Scientific publications (since 2010)
Publication of scientific books
Jackson C, Doyle PF, Edge DM, Elghazouli A, Lubkowski Z, Williams MS, Booth E, Bisch P, De Chefdebien A, Langeoire A, Pecker A, Thevenin E
Manual for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8
2010 - Institution of Structural Engineers, 187 pages
Kolias B, Fardis MN, Pecker A
Designers' guide to Eurocode 8: design of bridges for earthquake resistance
2012 - CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, London, 258 pages
Fardis MN, Carvalho E, Fajfar P, Pecker A
Seismic design of concrete buildings to Eurocode 8
2015 - CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, London, 392 pages
Scientific journals
Scientific journals with reviewing committee
Chatzigogos CT, Figini R, Pecker A, Salençon J (2010) - A macroelement formulation for shallow foundations on cohesive and frictional soils. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, doi: 10.1002/nag.934
Pecker A, Chatzigogos CT (2010) - “Non-linear soil-structure interaction: impact on the seismic response of structures”, in Earthquake Engineering in Europe, M. Garevski & A Ansal Eds., Springer, pp. 79 – 104
Chatzigogos CT, Pecker A, Salençon J (2011) - Discussion on the paper “A failure surface for circular footings on cohesive soils” by Taiebat HA & Carter JP published in Géotechnique, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 265 – 273. Géotechnique, Vol. 61, No. 7, pp. 621-622
Figini R, Paolucci R, Chatzigogos CT (2012) - A macro-element model for non-linear soil-shallow foundation-structure interaction under seismic loads: theoretical development and experimental validation on large scale tests. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. Vol. 41, pp. 475-493
Pecker A, Paolucci R, Chatzigogos CT, Correia AA, Figini R (2013) - The role of non-linear dynamic soil-foundation interaction on the seismic response of structures. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering DOI 10.1007/s10518-013-9457-0
Fernandez C, Bourgouin L, Riegert F, Pecker A (2013) - The induction of vibrations in transmission pipelines by the fall of a heavy structure nearby: modelling the safety distances. Journal of Pipeline Engineering, Vol. 12, N°2, pp. 75-82
Pecker A (2014) - Kinematic soil structure interaction for bridge piled foundations. International Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 15-28
Tesser L, Bonaccini F (2014) - Classificazione sismica degli edifice – La proposta dell’ordine degli ingegneri di Treviso (en italien). Structural 187, maggio 2014 – DOI 10.12917/Stru187.12
Orbovic N, Tarallo F, Rambach JM, Sagals G, Blahoianu A (2015) - IRIS_2012 OECD/NEA/CSNI Benchmark: Numerical simulations of structural impact. Nuclear Engineering and Design, à paraître
Tesser L, Talledo DA (2017) – Efficient membrane element for cyclic response or RC panels. Computers and Concrete, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 351-360.
Proceedings of symposia
Proceedings of colloquiums with reading committee
Papanikolas P, Shathopoulos-Vlamis A, Panagis A, Pecker A, Infanti S (2010) – The behavior of Rion-Antirion bridge during the earthquake of “Achaia-Ilia”on June 8, 2008. Proceedings of the 3rd International FIB Conference, Washington DC, USA, May-June 2010
Chatzigogos CT, Pecker A (2010) – Bridge multi-support excitation using foundation macroelements. Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, FYROM, August – September 2010
Correia AA, Pecker A, Kramer S, Pinho R (2010) – Soil-foundation-structure interaction: overview and state-of-the-art seismic analysis of shallow foundations. Proceedings of the 12th Portuguese National Conference on Geotechnics, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010
Sullivan TJ, Salawdeh A, Pecker A, Corigliano M, Calvi GM (2010) – Soil-Foundation-Structure interaction considerations for performance-based design. Proceedings Workshop on Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction, Eds Orense RP, Chouw N, Pender MJ – Taylor and Francis Group, 2010
Correia AA, Pecker A, Kramer S, Pinho R (2012) – A pile head macroelement approach to seismic design of extended pile-shaft supported bridges. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on PBD Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Taormina, Italy, May 2012
Godoy A, Chatzigogos CT, Pecker A (2012) - Safety margins in structural design of a bridge pylon: Assessment of dynamic response through incremental dynamic analyses. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on PBD Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Taormina, Italy, May 2012
Pecker A, Paolucci R, Chatzigogos CT, Araujo Correia A, Figini R (2012) - The role of non-linear dynamic soil-foundation interaction on the seismic response of structures. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on PBD Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Taormina, Italy, May 2012
Rambach JM (2012) - Dynamic analysis of elastic structures on spreadsheet. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE20 Anaheim, California, USA, July - Aug 2012
Fernandez C, Bourgoin L, Riegert F, Pecker A (2012) – Modelling of wind turbine-fall induced vibrations near buried steel transmission pipelines: an updated RAMCES software extension. Proceedings of the 9th International Pipeline Conference, IPC2012, Alberta, Canada, September 2012
Correia AA, Pecker A, Kramer S, Pinho R (2012) – Nonlinear pile head macroelement model: SSI effects on the seismic response of a monoshaft supported bridge. Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, September 2012
Scotta R, Tesser L, Saetta A, Talledo DA, Filippou FC (2013) – Cyclic response of concrete and R/C structures by an effective non-linear analysis tool. Proceedings of the XIV Conference ANIDIS, Padua, Italy, June-July 2013
Rambach JM, Jézéquel A (2013) - Generation of spectrograms and accelerograms by wavelets on spreadsheet. Transactions, SMiRT-22 San Francisco, California, USA - August 2013
Rambach JM, Tarallo F, Chauveau Y (2013) - SPH model for simulation of IRIS_2012 Slab Punching. Transactions, SMiRT-22 San Francisco, California, USA - August 2013
Orbovic N, Tarallo F, Rambach JM (2013) - IRIS_2012 Benchmark – Part I: Overview and summary of the results. Transactions, SMiRT-22 San Francisco, California, USA - August 2013
Tarallo F, Orbovic N, Rambach JM, Blahoianu A (2013) - IRIS_2012 Benchmark – Part II: Lessons learned and recommendations. Transactions, SMiRT-22 San Francisco, California, USA - August 2013
Wang F, Rambach JM (2013) - Contribution to the IAEA Soil-Structure Interaction KARISMA Benchmark. Transactions, SMiRT-22 San Francisco, California, USA - August 2013
Pecker A (2013) – Overview of seismic regulations for French Industrial Facilities – Keynote lecture. Proceedings of the International Conference on Seismic Design of Industrial Facilities, Eds Klinkel S, Butenweg C, Lin G, Holtschoppen B, Springer Vierweg, Aachen University, Germany, September 2013
Barré F, Chauvel D, Coste JF, Ragouin R (2013) – Analysis of theoretical laws for concrete delayed strains and comparison with measurements from monitoring system of special structures. Proceedings of the Conference on Technical Innovation in Nuclear Civil Engineering – TINCE2013, Paris, France, October 2013
Barré F, Bourcier de Carbon N (2013) – Study and prevision of the concrete-cement hydration heat. Proceedings of the Conference on Technical Innovation in Nuclear Civil Engineering – TINCE2013, Paris, France, October 2013
Chatzigogos CT, Nazé PA, Billion P, Caudron M (2013) – Uplift evaluation of structures under seismic loading: assessment of different calculations methods and design guidelines for the nuclear industry. Proceedings of the Conference on Technical Innovation in Nuclear Civil Engineering – TINCE2013, Paris, France, October 2013
Gallitre E, Nazé PA, Tuscher JL, Chataigner J, Barré F (2013) – Improvement of engineering methods for NPP civil structures sizing. Proceedings of the Conference on Technical Innovation in Nuclear Civil Engineering – TINCE2013, Paris, France, October 2013
Isard C, Zivanovic I, Verdoux M, Barré F, Diaz S, Courtois A, Lambert E (2013) – Prestressing tendons with individually greased and sheathed strands for the design of future NPP. Proceedings of the Conference on Technical Innovation in Nuclear Civil Engineering – TINCE2013, Paris, France, October 2013
Scotta R, Giorgi P, Tesser L, Talledo DA (2014) – Nonlinear analysis of R/C shear walls subjected to cyclic loadings. Proceedings of the 11th World Conference of Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain, July 2014
Pecker A, Fernandez C, Metzger M (2014) – Theoretical model for estimating the soil particular velocity due to a heavy structural fall. Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Porto, Portugal, July 2014
Godoy A, Barbier F, Chatzigogos CT, Besson N, Thibon A, Ray M (2014) – Comparative seismic analysis of overhead crane on steel frame carrying structure: evaluation of adequate equipment-structure interaction modeling. Proceedings 2nd ECEES, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2014
Tesser L, Palermo M, Filippou FC (2014) – Nonlinear analysis of shear wall structures by an efficient reinforced concrete membrane element. Proceedings 2nd ECEES, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2014
Barré F, Chauvel D, Coste JF, Ragouin R, Rospars C, Torrenti JM (2014) – Enhancement of the assessment of the concrete creep and shrinkage strains. Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conference on Technical Innovation in Nuclear Civil Engineering – TINCE2014, Paris, France, September 2014
Barré F, Lambert E (2015) – RCC-CW: a code for PWR civil structures – General presentation of RCC-CW 2015 Edition – AFCEN International members’ experience – Containment criteria. International Conference 2015, RCC-CW Subcommittee Seminar, March 2015
Lambert S, Chatzigogos CT, Godoy A (2015) – Calibration and validation of a simplified model of nonlinear soil-structure interaction for shallow foundations. Proceedings 5th COMPDYN, Crete, Greece, May 2015
Other scientific publications
Other scientific publications
Académie des Sciences (Participant GDS : Pecker A.)
L’ACCIDENT NUCLEAIRE DE FUKUSHIMA : considerations sismiques, nucléaires et médicales
EDP Sciences, Mars 2012
JRC Scientific and Technical reports – EUR 25204 EN – 2012
Torrenti JM, Benboudjema F, Chauvel D, Barré F (2013)
Retrait de dessication des bétons : Résultats du Projet National
Association Universitaire de Génie Civil, 2013
OECD-NEA (Participant GDS : Barré F)
Bonded or Unbonded Technologies for Nuclear Reactor Prestressed Concrete Containments
June 2015 -
Participation in Scientific Conventions and R & D Projects
Participation in Scientific Conventions and R & D Projects
Participation in Scientific Conventions and R & D Projects
- 14th European Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, FYROM, August – September 2010
- 1st Conf. on Innovations on Bridges and Soil-Bridge Interaction, IBSBI 2011, Athens, Greece, October 2011
- 2nd Conf. on PBD in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering – Taormina, Italy, May 2012
- Chapitre ACI – Eurocode 2 – Paris, France, Juillet 2012
- 20th Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE20 Anaheim, California, USA, July - Aug, 2012
- Conférence Association Française Génie Civil 2013 – Fissuration du béton – Paris, France, Juin 2013
- 14th Conference ANIDIS – Padua, Italy, June-July 2013
- 22nd of Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, San Francisco, California, USA - August 2013
- 18th Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering – Paris, France, September 2013
- 1st Conf. Technical Innovation in Nuclear Civil Engineering TINCE2013 – Paris, France, October 2013
- 4th fib Congress – Bombay, India, February 2014
- Concrack 4 – Control of cracking and durability of Reinforced Concrete Structures – Ispra, Italy, March 2014
- 11th World Conference of Computational Mechanics – Barcelona, Spain, July 2014
- 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology – Istanbul, Turkey, August 2014
- 2nd Conf. Technical Innovation in Nuclear Civil Engineering TINCE2014 – Paris, France, September 2014
- 2st Conf. on Innovations on Bridges and Soil-Bridge Interaction, IBSBI 2011, Athens, Greece, October 2014
- International Conference 2015, RCC-CW Subcommittee Seminar, March 2015
- 5th Conf. on Comp. Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Eng. – Crete, Greece, May 2015
- CEOS fr – Journée de restitution – Paris, France, Juin 2015
Participation in R & D projects
Participation in R & D national and international projects
Projet DEBATE (2009-2013) – Développement des accélérogrammes larges bandes pour les Ingénieurs – Projet ANR – Référence ANR-08-RISK-001
Project SERIES (2009-2013) – Seismic Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies –
Project DARE (2008-2013) – Soil-Foundation-Structure Systems beyond conventional seismic thresholds – Application to New or Existing Structures and Monuments –
Projet (2008-2014) – Comportement et évaluation des ouvrages spéciaux vis-à-vis de la fissuration et du retrait –
Projet SIGMA (2011-2015) – Seismic Ground Motion Assessment –
Benchmark MECOS (2015-) – Gestion, Organisation, Coordination du benchmark MECOS (Metallic component Margin under High Seismic Loads) -
Research supervision
PhD Supervision
CORREIA AA (2009-2011 – PhD Università degli Studi di Pavia) - Soil-Pile-Structure Interaction in Seismic Design of Bridges: Towards Macro-Element Modelling in Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering – Thesis advisor: A Pecker (GDS)
Supervision of end-of-studies projects
Encadrement de Projets de Fin d’Etudes – Diplôme d’Ingénieur
GODOY A (Mars 2011 – Juillet 2011 - ENPC) – Influence de l’interaction sol-structure non-linéaire dans la réponse sismique d’un ouvrage – Tuteur GDS : CT Chatzigogos
LAMBERT S (Mars 2014 – Juillet 2014 - ENPC) – Calibration et validation d’un modèle simplifié pour la prise en compte de l’interaction sol-structure non-linéaire de fondations superficielles – Tuteur GDS : CT Chatzigogos
MAKRYPIDI T (Mars 2015 – Août 2015 - ENPC) – Implémentation de nouvelles méthodes pour la prise en compte de l’interaction sol-structure non-linéaire – Tuteur GDS : CT Chatzigogos
DUFOUR J (Janvier 2015 – Juin 2015 - EPF) – Analyse modale d’une charpente métallique supportée par une structure en béton armé par modélisation aux éléments finis et une méthode de sous-structuration sur Code_ASTER – Tuteur GDS : JM Rambach
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